Reincarnation Paradise - C.769: important taskFeb 05, 2024

Reincarnation Paradise

C.769: important taskFeb 05, 2024

Updat𝓮d from 𝙛𝙧𝓮𝓮𝙬𝓮𝙗𝙣𝒐𝒗𝓮𝒍.𝙘𝒐𝙢

There was a lot of information in the world profile this time, and Su Xiao only understood it roughly at one time.

Overall, this world was similar to the Survival Trial world, belonging to that kind of unknown galaxy.

Unlike the Survival Trial, this world was many times more dangerous, not to mention the threat of enemy contractors, let's just say the battlefield he was currently in.

Su Xiao experienced this kind of cold weapon large battlefield for the first time, now everywhere he looked were soldiers, these soldiers were physically strong and full of blood, at a glance, they were often hovering on the edge of life and death, he desperately wanted to know the degree of force in this world, so he immediately used his Apostle's Eye to detect the soldiers beside him.

The information was as follows

Name: Ivan Redden

Category: Human

Position: Ironborn Legion Private Third Class, Spearman

HP: 100%

Mana: 220/220

Power: 30

Agility: 31

Physical Strength: 29

Intelligence: 22

Charisma: 5

Skill 1: Trained (Passive Lv.10), boosts 180 life points.

Skill 2: Teamwork (Passive LV.16), +1 Strength, Agility, Stamina when the number of soldiers reaches 100, +2 Strength, Agility, Stamina when the number of soldiers reaches 1,000, +3 Strength, Agility, Stamina when the number of soldiers reaches 10,000,.

Skill 3: V-Shaped Military Formation (Passive LV.20), Form a V-Shaped Military Formation from 1,200 soldiers, +10% Attack Power and +50% Aura of individual soldiers.

Skill 4: Concave Military Formation (Passive LV.20), form a concave military formation from 3000 soldiers, individual soldier defense +6, aura +60%.


After seeing the strength of this third class soldier, Su Xiao had a sense of sweating, this kind of strength of soldiers, which were countless in wars, were conservatively estimated to be in the tens of thousands.

In fact, Su Xiao guessed wrongly, the number of soldiers with this kind of strength was more than 100,000, moreover, there were even stronger soldiers than this, and not counting the enemy.

If soldiers of this strength formed a battle formation, the lethality that erupted would increase exponentially.

Being strong on one's own side is sometimes not a good thing, bearing in mind that the war has been going on for 70 years, which means that the enemy's strength is not below that.

Moreover, looking at the current momentum, Su Xiao was in the middle of these soldiers, which meant that the war was about to break out, which made him a little speechless, the intensity of this world was too high-powered.

Taking advantage of the fact that the war hadn't started yet, Su Xiao checked the war missions.

[War Mission: The World's Core (First Ring, Total 2 Rings)]

Difficulty Level: Lv.29

Quest Description: Find the location of the World's Core and obtain it.

Mission Information: The Hunter's region does not need to search for the World's Core for the time being, the World's Core has been searched for by the Agility Class Contractor Squad, the Hunter needs to recapture the Black Earth Fortress first, and after successfully capturing it and stabilizing the situation, and the Hunter will activate the War Spinoff Quest.

Task duration: 30 natural days

Mission Reward: The victory of the world war is visible.

Mission Penalty: Forced execution.


Su Xiao had just finished checking the quest information when a prompt from Reincarnation Paradise appeared.

[The war channel has been opened, hunter hunter no adventure group detected, remaining number of speeches (10/10), number of speeches can be transferred.]

A semi-transparent fluorescent screen appeared before Su Xiao's eyes, there were thousands of contractors within the war channel, and these thousands of people were divided into three colors, blue, yellow, and green, which also corresponded to the three war zones.

Green represented 'Hill Canyon', yellow represented 'Fortress Odle', and blue represented 'Black Earth Plains'.

Inside the war channel:

Nasha (leader of Fantasy Adventure Group): "Fantasy Adventure Group is located at 'Black Earth Plains'."

Commander Ge (Symbiosis Alliance Leader): "Symbiosis Alliance is sitting at location 'Fortress Odle', the team is in good condition and is looking at the scenery from the fortress."

Sage (Sanctuary Guild Leader): "Sanctuary Guild's location 'Hill Grand Canyon', nothing but rocks, no special conditions."

Gu Xiaosheng (Blood Wolf Adventure Group Leader): "Location 'Fortress Odle', a few seconds of silence for the 'Black Earth Plains'."

... fr eewebn

Various adventure groups began to spontaneously report their respective locations within the war band, after Su Xiao's wanted, there were a total of 12 large and small adventure groups, judging by the number of people, there were 10 medium-sized adventure groups and 2 large-sized adventure groups.

A full twelve adventure groups entered a world, not counting the large number of casualties, seeing that the scale of the war world had a large majority.

Moreover, the main force of the current war was not yet the contractors, but those indigenous forces, their numbers were too huge, the contractors of both sides would only officially go to war after the current war had temporarily calmed down, but the contractors of both sides might also meet in the current war.

Before the various adventuring groups could complete their bargaining in the war channel, there were already scattered people who began to rage, after all, in this kind of world, the hope of survival was too low, too low.

Su Xiao was the opposite, he actually had a sense of excitement, whether the other contractors were afraid of the sea of people tactics he was not sure, at least he was not afraid.

With the natural ability Spirit Eater's recovery effect of mana and life value after killing the enemy, Su Xiao only needed to not be killed by a strong enemy or run out of stamina. Facing the raging tide of people, he could definitely survive until the end.

Moreover, the large-scale war was just the opening, the tougher opponent was behind, and that was the contractors of the Apocalypse Paradise.

It was impossible for Su Xiao to be on the frontline all the time, if that was the case, there was no point in Reincarnation Paradise sending him to this world at all.

But before that, he had to deal with the war at hand, and unsurprisingly, there would soon be hundreds of thousands of soldiers fighting together.

From the weapons of the soldiers beside him, he could tell that this was the Cold War era, of course, magic or other supernatural abilities could not be ruled out.

Knock, knock, knock...

The ground began to tremble slightly, Su Xiao looked back, dozens of tall creatures came, these creatures were more than 8 meters tall, their features and physique were similar to humans, only much rougher, this should be the Giant race.


A neutral voice spread across the battlefield, Su Xiao could only hear that the voice was from the rear, the exact location was unknown.

"I am Marquis Mark, the Imperial Iron Blood Legion Commander."

The voice pauses for a moment, it seems to be waiting for the sound to spread across the battlefield, and I don't know why this Marquis's voice is so big, it should be using some kind of magic amplification device.

"Tell me, are you willing to fall into the slavery of the tribe, fall into the slavery of those dog-headed people, minotaurs, and let your family suffer bullying.

Just half a week and a month ago, we lost the Black Earth Plains Fortress, the humiliation then, do you still remember.

Today, today, I, Marquis Mark, will lead you to retake it, it belongs to us, it was built with our sweat and blood, it must not become the enemy's defense line, I have sworn to His Highness the King, if I can't retake the Black Earth Fortress, I will not step into Holy Dragon City from now on.

Soldiers, join me in killing all those filthy alliances that are covered in stench and haven't bathed in years and decades! Use their blood to wash away the shame of losing the Black Earth Fortress!"

After listening to this pre-war mobilization that came from nowhere, Su Xiao didn't feel anything at all, he even kind of wanted to smoke a cigarette, he didn't even know what the official position of a Marquis was in this world, and even if he did, he wouldn't have much of a reaction.

Su Xiao is no reaction, but those soldiers near him reacted not small.

These soldiers were gasping for air, and their hands holding their weapons were starting to tremble, from this point it could be seen that Marquis Mark should be a big shot in the empire.

The military formation consisting of more than 100,000 people and three races began to march forward, the destination, needless to say, must be that fortress that was breached half a month ago.

Su Xiao marched along with the army, more than 100,000 people marched, the ground all began to shake, and smoke and dust billowed in the rear of the army, Marquis Mark, a great noble who seldom participated in the war personally, ate dust.

Bubu wang is not near Su Xiao, after contacting Bubu wang, Su Xiao knows a shocking news, Bubu wang is actually organized into the agility class contractors squad, that is to say, go to look for the core of the world, which makes Su Xiao fall down.

