Reincarnation Paradise - C.770: Blood Lions of the Border RegionFeb 05, 2024

Reincarnation Paradise

C.770: Blood Lions of the Border RegionFeb 05, 2024

This 𝓬ontent is taken from 𝐟𝐫𝗲𝗲𝘄𝗲𝗯𝗻𝐨𝘃𝗲𝐥.𝐜𝐨𝗺

Nowadays, the area where Su Xiao was located was the frontline of the war, while Bubu Wang was within the Sacred Dragon City, which was the capital of the Dragon Teng Empire.

After contacting him, Su Xiao knew that the squad searching for the World's Core consisted of a total of fifty people, all of whom were Agility-type Contractors and belonged to the Servant.

The task of the serving squad was to find the World's Core and bring that to the designated location, as for the subsequent guarding work, it was up to Su Xiao or the various adventuring groups.

However, before that, first of all, we have to make sure that the situation on the front line of the war between the Empire and the Horde is stable, once the front line is breached, then there is no need to look for the World's Core, most of the Contractors will die under the Horde's armies, and even if they don't die by any chance, they will still be forcibly executed due to the failure of the mission.

Su Xiao marched with the imperial army, those soldiers near him were silent, the cruelty of the cold weapon war could be imagined, but these soldiers had no fear, there was only numbness on their faces, it was a kind of numbness that looked down on life and death.

Become an imperial soldier, there is a folk saying that soldiers are noble lords, tiger beasts, and dogs.

The noble lord is after the soldiers get the military pay, drinking and whoring, living a very dashing life, just like the noble lord, the

The Tiger Beast is the name given to the tiger by the commoners. The commoners are afraid of the soldiers as if they are afraid of the tiger, that's why the soldiers are described as Tiger Beasts.

As for dogs, when war breaks out, a soldier's life is not worth as much as a dog. Live today without tomorrow.

Because they were marching on the plains, more than 100,000 people marched to form several squares, vast, and wherever they passed, wild beasts fled in fear and the ground trembled lightly.

Half an hour after the army marched, Su Xiao vaguely saw a black 'mountain range' appearing in front of him, the mountain range cut across the plains, separating the empire from the tribes, exceptionally spectacular. freewebno m

When he got closer, Su Xiao realized that this was not a mountain range, this was a war defense line, similar to the Great Wall in the real world.

Seeing this war defense line, Su Xiao cursed in his heart, and the war channel of Reincarnation Paradise exploded.

Su Xiao was puzzled, the imperial side had this kind of geographical advantage, and how did the tribal side break through this defense line? And occupied this place.

In front of them was the Black Earth Fortress. The entire fortress separated the Black Earth Plain into two sections, and if you looked at it from a high altitude, the Black Earth Fortress was like a winding black river dividing the Black Earth Plain.

The Black Earth Fortress is 176 kilometers long, the whole body is made of obsidian, the whole fortress is enchanted with 6782 magic brands, the degree of solidity exceeds that of metal, even if it is the 'Storm Knight' siege hammer made by Dwarves, it can't break through the Black Earth Fortress, the Black Earth Fortress separates the empire from the tribes' territories, inside the fortress is the empire's territory, and outside of the fortress is the tribe's Territory.

The highest position of the black earth fortress has 60 meters high, the average height of about 40 meters, standing in the fortress below to see, this is a wall of heaven, has been standing here for 3600 years, renovation no less than 30 times, an average of one hundred years to renovate once.

"Can this thing ... really be attacked?"

A Contractor who was closer to Su Xiao looked up at the Black Earth Fortress, with millions of grass mud horses popping through his heart.

Leaving aside the contractors' reactions for now, Marquis Mark at the rear of the army was also looking up at the Black Earth Fortress, he hadn't been here for almost 20 years.

"Lord Marquis, this is the statistics of the number of soldiers with the storage of military food and weapons, the weapons promised by the Moon Elf Clan have been delivered late, and now there are many soldiers whose weapons' blades are severely chipped, and there isn't much food, and in terms of water sources ..."

The Iron Blood Legion's vice legionary knelt on one knee in front of Marquis Mark, who was riding on his horse.


Marquis Mark was a little impatient, this was a middle-aged man with a full head of white curly hair, a moustache at his chin, and a somewhat blonde body, he was wearing a black jacket, with gold filigree mixed and woven into the collar and cuffs of the jacket, the

"But ..."

The deputy army chief Carlos looked at Marquis Mark in surprise, Carlos was a middle-aged man with a sturdy figure, he wore blood-colored armor, and the bloody aura on his body was not even weaker than Su Xiao's.

"Carlos, you only need to tell me if you can retake the Black Earth Fortress before sunset."

Marquis Mark rode on his horse, looking at Vice Legion Chief Carlos with a somewhat complicated gaze, he didn't like this person, he usually gave the other person the errands with less oil and water, such as the hard work of guarding the border, although he didn't like the other person very much, but he needed this person right now.


Carlos was stunned, and he suspected he had heard wrong.

"The Marquis asked you if you could retake the Black Earth Fortress before nightfall,"

The imperial official beside Marquis Mark spoke up, although his official position was lower than Carlos, he looked at Carlos with some contempt, the reason being that Carlos was the son of a noble and a whore.

"Lord Marquis, this seems ... unlikely."

Carlos lowered his head, he now wanted to drag down the dead fat man riding on his horse three meters away, ruthlessly stomping on the face of this waste of money who relied on the hereditary system to inherit the Marquis' position, letting the other party take a closer look at what degree of war fortification the Black Earth Fortress was.

Do not say a day, even if you give Carlos a week, he does not dare to say that he can recapture the black earth fortress, the horde captured this place, nearly 120,000 dead orcs + dwarves + goblins + trolls, sleepless fierce battle for half a month, in the end, the corpses are piled up to the black earth fortress and black earth fortress, the horde side is stepping on the corpses attacked up.

"If the battle goes very well, we can recapture the Black Earth Fortress in about ten days."

Carlos actually somewhat exaggerated, even if it goes well, half a month can recapture the fortress is good, This is still based on the empire will continue to send additional troops to the black earth plains, with the same pile of corpses method to recapture the fortress.

"Ten days, too long."

Marquis Mark was disgruntled.

"I'll give you a week, take away won't be here to carry my head, now I've become the laughing stock of Holy Dragon City, if you can't do it I'll find someone who can do it instead. "


Carlos head full of steel teeth biting clicking, his heart is clear, no matter what, he can't be replaced, never, this has nothing to do with status or selfish desires, once he loses the position of Iron Blood Legion's vice legionnaire, then the Black Earth Fortress will be finished, he has already guarded here for twenty years, at that time, he was just a small captain, he will dedicate his whole life to this place, no one understands the Black Earth Fortress better than he does, the great achievements are countless, people People call him the Blood Lion of the Border.

"Lord Marquis, I have a request."

After Carlos uttered these words, he took a deep breath, and this deputy army chief, who didn't know how many enemies he had killed, actually hesitated a little.


Marquis Mark had already guessed what Carlos was going to say, it was nothing more than a request for an increase in rank.

"The war in the Black Earth Plains requires more troops."

"Oh?" Marquis Mark was a bit surprised, this was different from what he had imagined, he stroked the beard on his chin and spoke, "How much is needed."

"At least two hundred thousand."

Carlos' fists clenched, he was ready to take back the fortress with human lives.

"Impossible, the rest of the Empire's defenses need troops as well, fifty thousand at the most."

Hearing Marquis Mark's words, Carlos raised his head with a huff, his body armor clashing, and Marquis Mark's heart chilled by his aura.

"Carlos, what do you want to do?"

Marquis Mark roared with colorful anger, and several hundred of his personal soldiers beside him drew the long swords on their waists and surrounded Carlos.

