Reincarnation Paradise - C.777: Very soon, very soonFeb 20, 2024

Reincarnation Paradise

C.777: Very soon, very soonFeb 20, 2024

Read 𝓁at𝙚st chapters at 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙬𝙚𝒃𝒏𝓸𝒗𝙚𝓵.𝙘𝓸𝒎 Only

The sun was like blood, and the battlefield was filled with shouts and killings. Miscellaneous Zhi Insects

Although the war had already lasted for 8 hours, those human or orc soldiers were still alive and well, it wasn't that they were physically fit, but these human or orc soldiers had died one batch after another, the ones who were physically weak had died long ago, and the ones who were still fighting in blood were all the soldiers who had replenished the battlefield from the back of the camps of both sides.

Su Xiao was still wielding his sword to kill the enemies, this kind of large-scale war, it was easy for people to lose their minds and thus go crazy.

Beheading a five short gnome, this thing was rarely seen on the battlefield, Su Xiao looked around, no one nearby noticed him.

With a plopping sound, Su Xiao 'fell to the ground', he wasn't out of stamina, but he wanted to pretend to be a corpse to regain his stamina, even though he fell to the ground, he was still holding his sword, once he was exposed, he was immediately able to finish off the incoming enemies.

Just as he fell to the ground, Su Xiao realized that there was something wrong in the pile of corpses beside him.

A dwarf and two human soldiers were lying on the pile of corpses, the three of them were not far away, all of them were severely overdrawn and were recovering their strength.

The dwarf had the body of an orc pressed against him, which was a good cover, as for the two human soldiers, one had intestines all over his abdomen, and the other was half submerged in plasma.

"Hey, should we get him."

A tall, thin soldier kicked the one-eyed soldier nearby.

"Don't say anything, maybe we can muddle through until the war is over."

The one-eyed soldier's face was covered in dirt and blood and mud, and that one-eye dribbled around.

"I always feel like that shorty is going to whack me, better get him, there are three of us now."

Obviously, the tall and thin soldier noticed that Su Xiao, who was a few meters away, was also playing dead.

"Don't count me, I need to rest for a while." 𝘧𝓇𝑒𝑒𝘸𝑒𝒷𝘯ℴ𝘷𝑒𝑙.𝒸ℴ𝑚

There was an orc corpse lying on each side beside Su Xiao, and he was in a good position.

"Imperial coward, who did you just call shorty."

The dwarf three meters away opened his mouth, but he didn't get up for the simple reason that his stamina was severely overdrawn.

"What, not convinced? Have the balls to get up and hammer me."

The tall and thin soldier sneered.

"I'll fight you."

The dwarf within the pile of corpses tried to stand up, this was a dwarf, with a fiery temper and straight character.

"Have the guts to stand up."

One-eyed soldier also sneered, the dwarf just wanted to get up, but found that three pairs of eyes are staring at him, hesitate for a moment, the dwarf to the pile of corpses squeezed, out of sight is out of mind, compared to venting anger, or life is important.

The war continues, time passes, the sky gradually darkened, the fire between the battlefields illuminated.

About an hour or so later, the sun in the sky fell below the horizon, and the night battle began.

Su Xiao stood up, and realized that when he got up, the two human soldiers also got up, as for the dwarf, he long ago didn't know where to crawl, he wasn't stupid, how could he wait for death here.

Su Xiao's physical strength recovered a lot, the arm that was still a little sore before recovered, this is the aftermath of using the ring break many times.

Although the battlefield is cruel, but the imperial side did not appear to desert, this is not how excellent the quality of the soldiers of the imperial side, but the rear of the battlefield is full of 5,000 supervisors with heavy crossbows, fleeing from the battlefield, shoot to kill, moreover, most of the soldiers have family members, they fled, which means that they will never be able to step foot in any of the empire's cities.

At this time, Su Xiao near the soldiers have not killed together, because of the imperial soldiers with the tacit understanding, coupled with proper command, the advantage of the imperial side is not small, has been the tribal side to beat out a distance. fr(e)enovelkiss

"Soldiers, why don't you go to the front line to kill the enemy."

A dozen or so Supervision soldiers wearing leather armor and heavy crossbows in their hands came from the rear, while they supervised the battle, they would also clean up the tribal army that were loading corpses.

"Tired of killing, rest for a while."

Su Xiao turned around and walked towards the front line of the battlefield, this scene those supervisory soldiers were not surprised, besides, they were clear when they sensed Su Xiao's aura, this was never an aura that a deserter could have.

"Soldier, have you eaten."

An older Supervisory Unit soldier opened his mouth.

"I had a meal in the morning."

Su Xiao was indeed a little hungry at this point, after all, he had already been killing for a day.

"Just in time, we brought some dry food, you two, join us."

That older Dude Sergeant waved his hand, signaling the other two soldiers to join him as well.

On this battlefield where the smell of blood was mixed with various strange odors, a dozen people began to enjoy their dinner, which was not sumptuous, it was a kind of pie baked with a mixture of flour+meat+vegetables, which was different from a pie, it was air-dried, and could not be bitten by bad teeth at all.

This is the exclusive dry food in wartime, the benefits are easy to save, ready to eat, easy to carry, nutritionally balanced, can let the soldiers to maintain physical strength, there are many disadvantages, it is very difficult to eat, imagine, will be mixed with flour, meat, vegetables, salt, water, stirred together and baked, and finally air-dried, can be tasty to hell.

After Su Xiao ate five marching big cakes, a feeling of fullness appeared in his abdomen, he got up and walked towards the front line.

"Let's go."


The Supervisors just nodded, the battlefield was not a good place to cross paths, some of the veterans didn't even want to know the names of the new recruits, it was a bad thing to develop friendships with the new recruits, the new recruits didn't always die at some point, and over time the veterans of the battlefield chose not to spend time with them, after all, no one wanted to repeat the experience of having a friend die in battle.

The battlefield was not dark at night, the fires from the explosions illuminated the battlefield, and from time to time a green 'meteor' whistled through the sky, it was actually a green phosphorus fire flask from the tribal side.

After a few minutes, human soldiers appeared in front of Su Xiao, and he quickly blended into them.

Swinging his sword, killing the enemy, looking for the next enemy, if the enemy was dense to a certain level, he would use the energy blade, if it was too dense and reached the level of crowded people, Su Xiao would use the ring break to clear the field.

Su Xiao noticed a sense of fatigue in the eyes of some of the soldiers nearby, it wasn't physical fatigue, it was inner fatigue.

Su Xiao did not have this tiredness as he tried to memorize the characteristics of every enemy who died under his blade, while reminding himself that he killed all these people, and to carry it all with a firm consciousness.

Killing was a vice that Su Xiao might have been unable to quit, but he would not allow himself to get used to this feeling that characterized a murderous ghost.

I don't know how long he had killed, Su Xiao's hands were sore from hacking, the nearby enemies had gradually become less, those surviving orc soldiers looked at him with a gaze that began to be different, there was hatred in that gaze, there was unwillingness, and more than anything else, there was fear.

", the one under your feet is already dead, don't step on it."

A human soldier looked at Su Xiao and couldn't help but gulp, he seemed to see an aura of blue and red intersecting.


Su Xiao kicked away the orc corpses under his feet, when he looked up he realized that fish-belly white appeared in the sky, it was dawn, he had been fighting all night.

Moving his somewhat sore arms, Su Xiao looked towards the Black Earth Fortress half a kilometer away, this battle was almost over, the next battle was to capture that fortress, as long as he captured the fortress, he would be able to move freely in this world.

At around 8:00 am, the Imperial Army rounded up the last small group of Horde Army on the battlefield, this war that lasted for a day and a night was declared over.

The Imperial Army's performance was not as exaggerated as imagined, more than 200,000 tribal troops died on the battlefield around 80,000, the rest were routed inside the Black Earth Fortress, the plains terrain coupled with the enemy having a fortress at the back, total annihilation was simply impossible.

Su Xiao sat on a pile of corpses and smoked, the shouts and killings that rushed to the sky beside his ears finally disappeared and turned into the screams of the wounded on both sides.

The rear medical team, supervisory team, and logistics team quickly entered the battlefield, the medical team was responsible for saving their own wounded, the supervisory team was responsible for killing the enemy wounded or captives, as for the logistics team, they were responsible for disposing of the corpses and directing the captured orcs to dig pits.

Empire and tribal sides in this battle in the deaths and injuries add up to more than 100,000 people, this scale of corpses are not dealt with will be a big deal, pollution of the environment is a small matter, the outbreak of plague on the bad, the plague with the war with, is because of the corpses are not handled properly, in this technologically backward world, the outbreak of plague deaths are far more than the war.

The bodies of their own side as the collection of rags piled up on the wagon, and then identify, collect the body on the financial, can identify the identity of the body of the financial sent to the hands of the family of those soldiers, cannot identify the army, and ultimately the body of the unified burial, the treatment of the officer is also some, can be sent back to their hometowns.

As for the enemy corpses, the first is stripped naked, all the valuable things left behind, as bare pig-like corpses were piled up and burned.

"Hoo ~"

Su Xiao exhaled a mouthful of green smoke, holding a tablet in his hand, he was playing a game that came out more than when, it was a parkour game, it should have been downloaded by Boo Boo Woof, the others couldn't touch Su Xiao's tablet.

[Announcement: the enemy has successfully obtained the World's Core, make sure to recapture it within 20 natural days, after 20 natural days the World's Core will be fully activated].

Receiving this bolt from the blue, Su Xiao immediately checked on Boo Boo Woof's condition, and Boo Boo Woof's vital signs were normal.

Su Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and turned to think about the countermeasures afterward, the situation now was obvious, the World's Core must be recaptured within 20 days.

Just then, a message from Bubu Woof popped up.

"Master, hold on, this woof has successfully penetrated the enemy's interior, and will soon steal back the shiny stone."

Su Xiao had just seen this message when a prompt from Reincarnation Paradise appeared.

[Announcement: your party has successfully obtained the World's Core, please hold it for at least 20 natural days, after 20 natural days the World's Core will be fully activated].

The cigarette in Su Xiao's mouth slipped, this is too damn fast, he immediately edited the message to Boo Boo Woof.

"Boo Boo, great job, keep it up ..."

Before Su Xiao finished editing his message, the prompt from Reincarnation Paradise appeared again.

[Announcement: The enemy has successfully obtained the World's Core, please recapture it within 20 natural days ...]

Su Xiao was completely confused, the speed of getting the World's Core was fast, the speed of losing it was even faster, what exactly happened over there? Or what did the bastard Bubu Wang do that made people cry and laugh, the most important thing, would that bastard gnaw the World's Core in a fit of excitement.

Su Xiao sighed, he had to solve the matter at hand as soon as possible, or else Bu Bu Wang would not necessarily do something thunderous, if he was not there, that bastard was as unrestrained as a wild dog running wild, two to suffocate people.

