Naruto: The Wind Calamity - C.567 - 561 : Confusing Naruto

Naruto: The Wind Calamity

C.567 - 561 : Confusing Naruto

Having dealt with all the issues, Fujin finally decided to start training the Spirit Transformation jutsu. He sent a Shadow Clone to Hiruzen to clear up some of the doubts he had while reading through the scroll. While waiting for the clone to send back the memories, he went through the scroll once again. Meanwhile, his remaining clones continued working on the Fuin Battlefield.

After the clone met with Hiruzen and discussed the doubts and sent memories back to Fujin, he began his training.

The next morning, Fujin sent a Shadow Clone with 5% of his chakra to train his new students while he continued his training.

As for their training, Fujin divided it into two parts for the time being. The first was the physical workout which would happen in the morning. The training made the five of them understand why Fujin was so much stronger than their previous instructors.

Fujin's clone replaced the training seals Danzo had given them with his own. As for the training intensity, it was slightly lower as Fujin wanted to make them get used to it. That said, it was still far more intense than what they had experienced so far.

The reason for such intensity was that Fujin intended to teach them the Strong Fist Style! Apart from its effectiveness, the main reason for it was this thought of Fujin, 'I could teach them either the Senju Taijutsu style or the Strong Fist Taijutsu style. That said, even though Renjiro said that anyone could learn it, teaching it liberally without their permission might cause some dissatisfaction.

They might agree if I take permission, but they will use it to show that I owe them a favor. By comparison, Guy will be ecstatic that I taught his fighting style to more kids who are full of youth. In addition, it is more practical in a fight than the Senju Taijutsu style. More importantly, I can just dump their Taijutsu training on him after they reach a certain level. Knowing him, he might see it as a gift rather than work.'

The second part of their training, which would happen in the afternoon, was Ninjutsu. The 5 of them were already very good at Ninjutsu for their age. Neither Fujin nor any of his classmates were that good. Despite that, Fujin stopped all their current training in Ninjutsu. Instead, he made them focus on just one jutsu. That was the forbidden Multi Shadow Clone jutsu!

Unlike Naruto, where Fujin was afraid that the future would change dramatically if Fujin made him abuse that training method, Fujin didn't have any such concerns with these kids. Their chakra was too low for them to abuse that training method beyond a certain limit, just like how it was for Fujin when he was younger.

And, considering their young age and significantly lower potential than Naruto, Fujin didn't see any of them going beyond the rank S level in merely 4 years. Even with his guidance, he couldn't guarantee that they would reach rank S, let alone surpass it. That's why, he decided to abuse this training tactic to its limits while training them.

Life continued for a few days in this manner without any external disturbances until Naruto finally visited Fujin's house. Kakashi had finally taken some pity on the trio and given them a day off. The three of them never appreciated a holiday as much as they did now.

Fujin opened his door to see an exhausted Naruto. He raised his eyebrow and wondered, 'Kakashi let them go last evening. Since when did this kid stop recovering in a day?'

Of course, he couldn't say that he had been spying on them. So Fujin asked in a peculiar tone, "What happened to you? You look like you have just run a marathon around the world without taking a break, almost as if you'd be killed if you stopped."

Naruto looked at Fujin with a look full of complaints. After all, it was his suggestions that had created this situation. He muttered, "You don't know how right you are!"

Fujin chuckled and said, "Oh really? Come on in. Tell me everything."

While Fujin had already seen most of the things that happened, there was no reason to refuse the amusement Naruto's ranting would bring.

Naruto listed out all of his complaints against Kakashi to Fujin. To his annoyance, Fujin just chuckled every time. Finally, he added while pointing towards Fujin, "You were totally wrong this time! Kakashi sensei wasn't testing us. Instead, he is punishing us because we tried those stunts. Hmph!"

Fujin raised an eyebrow and asked, "How am I wrong? Isn't he giving you your 'special' training right now?"

"Special my ass! All he did was torture us with physical workouts. He didn't teach us any jutsus. Instead, he keeps threatening us with the Thousand Years of Death jutsu! Do you know how painful that jutsu is? Sakura-chan blames me for our current situation!" Naruto complained in annoyance once again.

Even for someone who had great control over his emotions, Fujin had to work extremely hard to stifle his laughter. He barely managed to control himself and put up a thoughtful expression while muttering, "Hmm, let's see..."

Fujin pretended to think for a couple of minutes while Naruto waited for him with some curiosity. Finally, Fujin said, "I disagree. I wasn't wrong. The only point I miscalculated was that Kakashi would take training your bodies so seriously.

That said, he isn't wrong. Having a strong body is the most important thing for any Ninja. Without it, you'll never become strong, let alone have any chance of becoming the Hokage.

Had I been the teacher of your team, I would have started such training from day one. I guess he initially thought that you three wouldn't be able to endure such training. Your attempts to get his book and see his real face should have given him confidence that you are worthy of his training."


Naruto was left speechless by Fujin's words. He immediately fell into deep thought, 'Could it be as he said?'

This time, Fujin didn't disturb him. Instead, he just watched the comical expressions Naruto kept making with a smile on his face. Naruto thought hard for a few minutes before saying, "Man! I never thought of it in this manner!"

Fujin nodded and said, "See. Even though it might be difficult, it is better than just doing the boring formation exercises and rank D missions, right? In a few months, you'll notice the improvements in your physique, strength, stamina and speed."

Naruto agreed and said, "You are right. I didn't think of that. But, when will he teach us cool jutsus? You said he knows a thousand jutsus, right?"

Fujin put up a thoughtful expression again and said, "I am not too sure. I thought that he might teach that instead of focusing on physical training. I guess he thought that your physiques aren't good enough to depend heavily on Ninjutsu just yet. Considering what you said, he wouldn't be wrong to think that.

He might teach you jutsus once he thinks that your basics are strong enough. Unless..."

Fujin took a pause. Naruto impatiently asked, "Unless what?"

Fujin smiled mischievously and said, "Unless, this training is a test as well. If you are able to steal his book or unmask him despite undergoing such heavy training, then he might think that the three of you are ready to learn dozens of cool new special powerful jutsus!"

Naruto was immediately impressed. He asked excitedly, "Really?"

However, his excitement quickly waned as he remembered what training he had been undergoing. They barely had the energy to do the training. In fact, none of them could live up to Kakashi's 'standards' as none of them could actually complete the workouts. They had to do their level best to ensure that they didn't pass out.

He became dejected and said, "That's impossible!"

Fujin chuckled and asked, "Do you think that you can become the Hokage if such simple training makes you quit?"

That immediately hit Naruto's ego. He exclaimed loudly, "I will steal Kakashi sensei's book! Believe it!"

While Fujin was tricking Naruto into creating more trouble for Kakashi, both of them were unaware that someone was secretly spying on Fujin's house.

Some distance away from Fujin's house, Kakashi hid among the trees while watching Fujin's house even though he couldn't see anything inside it. He thought, 'As I expected. Someone was behind their change. That someone should be Fujin. However, why would he do something like that?'

Kakashi tried thinking but couldn't come up with any good reason for Fujin to do something like that. However, he had a strong hunch that Fujin was indeed the one who prompted Naruto and the rest to act.

Since he couldn't think of a reason, he turned his attention back to the house and wondered, 'That aside, why does his house give me a weird feeling? It's as if there are many seals around that house.'

Kakashi, though he wasn't a Fuinjutsu Grandmaster, still knew enough basics that he could be considered a SealMaster. He could see and identify most, if not all seals. He closed his right eye, opened his left eye and began observing Fujin's home. His eye immediately widened as much as it physically could!


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