Falling in Love Online with an Ancient General - C.97: Willing to be with you


Jiang Xiaoxiao knew Feng Qingyi quite well.

If she had no interest in that online romantic interest, even if they came from thousands of miles away to celebrate her birthday, she would reject them if that's what she wanted to do.

The fact that she hadn't outright rejected him meant she must have some positive feelings towards him.

"Do you like him?" Jiang Xiaoxiao asked.

Hearing her question, Feng Qingyi was silent for a moment before replying, "I don't know."

"Then tell me, do you dislike him? When he confessed his feelings, did you feel repulsed or find it hard to accept?"

Feng Qingyi answered, "No."

Hearing Feng Qingyi's response, Jiang Xiaoxiao understood.

"If you don't dislike him or feel repulsed, that means you have positive feelings. Besides, didn't you say you enjoyed talking to him online?"

"Although online relationships aren't very reliable these days, there are exceptions. I don't think you're naive enough to be fooled."

"If you feel happy being with him, and he's sincere towards you, and you like him too, why not give it a try?"

Feng Qingyi still seemed a bit confused. "Xiaoxiao, thank you. I'll think about it some more."

Jiang Xiaoxiao advised, "Just follow your heart. Don't force yourself. If you don't like him, reject him. If you do, accept him. You've always been decisive."

After ending the call with Jiang Xiaoxiao, Feng Qingyi looked at the jade pendant in her hand.

She probably did like him, but that affection wasn't particularly deep yet.

She didn't understand why he would choose her. He should have had many better options, yet he chose to spend time nurturing a relationship with her.

As he had said, his care for her had already exceeded the boundaries of friendship.

It wasn't that she was unwilling to start such a relationship with him. She wasn't a timid person, and even though he came from a world unknown to her, she wasn't afraid.

It was just that when she remembered the time they lost contact, she would worry.

Would there be similar situations in the future where she couldn't reach him, and he couldn't find her?

Although he had found a way to traverse between their two worlds, the future was still uncertain.

Humans have always feared the unknown, and she was no exception.

But giving up just because of fear of the unknown: that wasn't like her at all.

While Feng Qingyi was caught in this dilemma, Qin Yuchuan, who had returned to the General's Mansion, was also feeling unsettled.

He could have stayed there longer; the space-time transmission array could last for three hours.

But he chose to leave, afraid of hearing her rejection, so he decided to give her time to think it through.

The image of her in a pink dress, smiling radiantly, kept appearing in his mind.

He just didn't know if the answer three days later would be what he hoped for.

Once the New Year's holiday was over, Feng Qingyi resumed her normal class schedule.

For the past two days, Qin Yuchuan hadn't called or sent any messages. Both of them tacitly agreed not to disturb each other.

Feng Qingyi stared at the chat window, which showed their last messages from her birthday, lost in thought for a long time.

There was only half a day left until the three-day period he mentioned.

She was still hesitant, and those around her had noticed her state.

Shen Hanyue, always straightforward, asked, "Qingyi, ever since your birthday, you've seemed a bit off. Did something happen?"

"No, you don't need to worry about me."

Shen Hanyue still seemed concerned, "Your expression doesn't look like nothing's wrong. It's more like you're facing the problem of the century."

Feng Qingyi shook her head, "It's not really a problem, just a small matter. I can handle it."

Qu Jingqiu chimed in, "If there's anything, you can talk to us about it. We might be able to give you some advice."

"Thank you for your concern, but I really am fine. You don't need to worry."

In fact, she had pretty much figured things out over the past few days. Whatever would happen in the future was a matter for the future.

All she could do was live well in the present, enjoying these simple days.

The future could be dealt with when it came.

That evening, back in her villa, Feng Qingyi sat staring at her phone.

He should call her, right?

As expected, Feng Qingyi soon received a video call from Qin Yuchuan.

Feeling a bit nervous, Feng Qingyi answered the video call. They gazed at each other across the screen, silent for a long moment.

Qin Yuchuan: "You..."

Feng Qingyi: "Earlier..."

Their voices overlapped. Feng Qingyi, a bit flustered, tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "You go first."

"Have you eaten?"

Hearing Qin Yuchuan's words, Feng Qingyi was taken aback. Was this his way of easing into the conversation?

"Yes, I have."

"Mm, what were you going to say just now?"

Qin Yuchuan's expression was unreadable, and Feng Qingyi couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"I... I wasn't going to say anything!"

Qin Yuchuan looked at the girl on the screen, "The three-day period is up. It's time to give me an answer."

Feng Qingyi stole a glance at Qin Yuchuan, her voice growing softer.

"...I'm willing to be with you."

After saying this, she nervously gripped the hem of her clothes.

It was just a simple sentence, but it seemed to have used up all her courage.

Being with him, even if only through the phone, she could feel that she was happy.

He was so good to her; she didn't want to miss out on this chance.

The soft voice reached Qin Yuchuan's ears, and for a moment, he felt as if he could hear flowers blooming.

Unable to express the joy in his heart, he wanted to see her right away.

The space-time transmission array had a cooldown period of three days, and now it was ready to be used again.

He had never wanted to see her more than he did at this moment.

Feng Qingyi looked at the suddenly disconnected phone, a bit confused. He had hung up without saying anything: what did that mean? 𝘧𝘳𝓮𝓮𝓌𝘦𝓫𝓷𝘰𝘷ℯ𝑙.𝓬ℴ𝘮

Just as Feng Qingyi was lost in thought, Qin Yuchuan appeared out of thin air beside her.

"You... how did you get here?" This sudden appearance was a bit startling!

Qin Yuchuan embraced Feng Qingyi, "I wanted to come and confirm if it was real."

This was their second embrace. Compared to the first time's awkwardness, Qin Yuchuan was much more natural now.

"How long are you going to hold me like this?"

Qin Yuchuan slowly loosened his arms, the corners of his eyes crinkling with a smile, "Qingyi, I'm very happy today."

Having acquired a handsome boyfriend three days after her twentieth birthday, Feng Qingyi still felt a bit of unreality about the situation.

She had accepted his confession, and now she was someone with a boyfriend. This feeling didn't seem bad at all.

"Please take care of me from now on, my boyfriend."

Qin Yuchuan sat down next to Feng Qingyi, his gaze never leaving her.

Feeling uncomfortable under such an intense gaze, Feng Qingyi asked, "Why are you staring at me like that?"

Qin Yuchuan didn't answer her question. Instead, he changed the subject.

"Would you like to visit my residence?"

"Can you really take me there?" She wondered if he had unlocked some high-tech feature.

Qin Yuchuan nodded. "Yes."

"Then let's go right away! Quick, take me there!"

Feng Qingyi's nervousness instantly dissipated, replaced by an eager anticipation to see where he lived.

