Falling in Love Online with an Ancient General - C.86: Is He Thinking of Marrying into the Family

Falling in Love Online with an Ancient General

C.86: Is He Thinking of Marrying into the Family

"This outfit I'm wearing, Xi bought it for me," Feng Qingci replied.

Nan Yin was taken aback. "Xi? Is that the girl you've been pursuing?"

"Yes," Feng Qingci nodded in affirmation.

Feng Zhixing: "Have you really fallen so low that you're letting others buy your clothes now?"

"You don't understand. Xi took the initiative to buy it for me, and it's even a couple's matching set," Feng Qingci's tone carried a hint of pride.

Nan Yin and Feng Zhixing exchanged a glance, both falling silent.

Feng Qingyi spoke up, "So how are things going between you two?"

"Pretty good. If you're jealous, you can find someone for yourself too," Feng Qingci said as he pulled out his phone from his down jacket pocket.

Nan Yin leaned close to Feng Zhixing's ear, "Do you think he's planning to marry into her family?"

"...Let him be. We'll give him some extra money later. We shouldn't let the girl feel shortchanged. I think there might be a chance here," Feng Zhixing said.

Nan Yin agreed, "If the girl is willing to spend money on him, she must like him quite a bit."

"It's a good thing our genes are excellent. We gave him good looks."

"Young girls these days all like handsome guys. He's passable, I suppose."

Feng Qingci noticed Nan Yin and Feng Zhixing whispering to each other. "Dad, Mom, what are you two talking about?"

"Nothing much. We just heard you had exams recently. How did they go?" Nan Yin changed the subject.

Feng Qingci: "Mom, I'm in college now. Do you have to ask about grades all the time?"

"If I don't ask about grades, should I ask what you eat every day instead?" Nan Yin retorted.

Feng Qingyi was already eyeing the dishes on the table hungrily. "Mom, everything's fine. Don't worry so much. The food's here, let's start eating."

Nan Yin passed a bottle of juice in front of her to Feng Qingyi.

"Qingyi, do you really not have anyone you like?"

"It would be such a shame not to have a romance in college. The people you meet later in life won't be as pure-hearted."

"Your dad and I met when we were in college too. You could try finding a boyfriend at school."

Feng Qingyi helped herself to two stalks of vegetables. "I'm not even twenty yet. Surely there's no rush, right?"

Nan Yin never shied away from discussing relationship matters with Feng Qingyi and Feng Qingci.

"While it's true there's no hurry to get married, you could put dating on your agenda."

"Dating and marriage are different things. You need to get to know people to figure out who's right for you."

"You're still in school now, so you have more free time. Once you start working, you might not have as much leisure time."

"That's why this stage is the best time for relationships. Your dad and I got together when we were in college."

Feng Qingyi didn't have much interest in her parents' love story anymore. Perhaps she had become immune to their displays of affection since childhood.

"Mom, let's just eat. Finding love is also a matter of fate," she said. It's not like you can just grab someone off the street.

Nan Yin finished a shrimp that Feng Zhixing had peeled for her. "Many times, this 'fate' is intentionally created. If you meet someone who makes your heart flutter, be proactive and bold."

"..." Is there really no room for single people in this family anymore?

They never used to discuss this topic during meals before.

Although Nan Yin said a lot at the dinner table, Feng Qingyi just listened quietly. Whether she took it to heart or not was unclear.

After dinner, Nan Yin and Feng Zhixing had some work to attend to, so they let Feng Qingyi and Feng Qingci take a taxi back to school by themselves.

In the taxi, Feng Qingyi asked, "Brother, when are you going to make it official?"

"I've noticed you two have been inseparable except during class time. It's been over two weeks now. Shouldn't there be some progress?"

"You're not waiting for her to make the first move, are you?"

During this time, although they had been getting along well, their interactions were limited to eating together, shopping, and watching movies.

He could sense the change in her attitude over this period, but he wasn't sure if another confession would be successful.

"Can you help me find out what kind of things she likes? I want to prepare something."

Feng Qingyi was quite happy about the prospect of her roommate becoming her sister-in-law.

"I'll help you. Good luck."

As December arrived, the weather in Capital City grew increasingly gloomy.

With no sun and no rain, it gave off a very cold and dreary feeling.

Feng Qingyi walked under the now leafless trees, wearing a camel-colored coat. Beside her was Shen Hanyue, who had bundled herself up like a dumpling.

"This winter feels even colder than last year. I wonder when it will snow?"

Hearing Shen Hanyue's words, Feng Qingyi replied, "I checked the weather forecast. It says there will be heavy snow the day after tomorrow."

"Those forecasts aren't always accurate. Look at today - it was supposed to be sleet, but we got neither rain nor snow," Shen Hanyue complained.

Feng Qingyi laughed, "Aren't you afraid of the cold? If it rains or snows, won't it be even colder?"

"But this gloomy weather is even more uncomfortable. Let's hurry back to the dorm. Qiu should have turned on the heating by now."

"When winter comes, I just want to curl up in bed. The classrooms have air conditioning, but it doesn't seem to make much difference. It's still freezing."

When Feng Qingyi and Shen Hanyue returned to their dorm, they were immediately enveloped by warm air as they entered.

Qu Jingqiu and Lou Xi were sitting on chairs, one typing and the other reading a book. A small speaker in the room was playing soft music.

Seeing Feng Qingyi arrive, Lou Xi asked, "Qingyi, what kind of things does your brother usually like?"

"...Why are you suddenly asking about him?"

This was the first time Lou Xi had ever asked Feng Qingyi about Feng Qingci.

Lou Xi: "Your birthday is on the same day as his. I was thinking of buying him a gift as well."

Just as an afterthought? Why doesn't she believe that?

These two are actually inquiring about each other's preferences. It seems her brother might really have a chance at winning the girl's heart this time.

"Besides liking to play games, he doesn't really have any other hobbies."

Lou Xi didn't know much about games: "What kind of games does he play?"

"He probably plays all the popular ones right now. I'm not really sure."

"He once used my phone to play PUBG and ended up dropping it in a water cup!"

It was because of that incident that she got in touch with Qin Yuchuan. Looking back, it still seems quite miraculous.

Shen Hanyue joined in on their conversation, "I know about games. These days, most guys play things like Honor of Kings, PUBG, and League of Legends."

"I used to play for a while too, but later I found it boring and quit," she added.

Lou Xi looked a bit confused, as she knew nothing about these games.

"Are there no other hobbies?" she asked.

Feng Qingyi thought carefully, "Apart from playing games, it's just basketball. I really can't think of anything else."

Lou Xi replied, "Thanks, I got it."

